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specialize in power transmission products, CATV merchandise, mechanical seal, hydraulic and Pheumatic, and marketing merchandise. Obtaining accrued cherished expertise in cooperating with international buyers, In 2008, it was awarded with “National Export Commodity Inspection-free of charge Company”. Spedifications of HQ920T telescopic loader:

one. Engine Details
(one) Model: Luotuo 4108 motor/EPTT
(2) Engine type: In-line arrangement, water-cooled, four-cycle diesel Motor
(three) Rated EPTT: 60KW
(4) Rated Velocity: 2400 r/p. Min (rpm)
(5) Fuel Usage ratio in stXiHu (West EPT) Dis.Hu (West EPT) Dis.rd operating condition: 180g/kw. H

2. EPTT Method
EPT converter EPT shaft axles

3. Bucket
(1) Bucket Ability: one.-1.two m3
(two) Bucket width: 1800mm
(3) Bucket kind: EPT-responsibility bolt on teeth
(five) Rated Load: 2000kg incXiHu (West EPT) Dis.Hu (West EPT) Dis. attachment
(six) Max Load: 2500kg incXiHu (West EPT) Dis.Hu (West EPT) Dis. attachment.

four. Total Proportions
(one) Total Size: 4900mm
(2) Overall Top: 2720mm
(3) General Width: 1870mm
(4) Max. EPT Peak: 4500mm

five. Working Specs
(1) Steering System: Articulated Frame with EPT EPTT steering
(two) Min Turning Radius: 5600mm
(3) Driving Method: EPT converter, four wheel EPT
(4) Fast coupling program
(five) EPTTstick
(6) Self EPTing

6. Brake Technique

(one) Provider Brake: Four Wheel Chuck brake
(two) Parking Brake: Hand operated

seven. Tyre
(one) Design: 20.5-sixteen, 12ply (two)Width: 307mm(3) Diameter: 831mm

eight. Wheelbase: 2430mm
nine. Observe: 1470mm

ten. System pressure: 20Mpa EPT output: 96L/min

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